Galileo API Integration

Sell flight tickets of all over the world using Elitema Galieo Integration.

Galileo is a product of Travelport, one of the top GDS’s of the world. You can sell the flights tickets of all over the world using the integration of XML (API) system that Galileo provides for IATA agencies.

We arrange all the technical details after you have made an API contact with Galileo.

You determine service fees, agency commissions and collect payments through your own virtual POS. You can decide if to reserve or/and tickets online through back office program. We record all flight ticket transactions you made through each of your sales channels. In case of any discrepancy, we contact with Galileo on behalf of you using those records.

Decide your strategy and let us to prepare a turnkey system for you.

Click for more information about Flight Ticket Sales System

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